Book Detail

LIONS WERE BORN TO ROAR by By Philip K. Hardin, M.A., M.Div.


A Man's Guide to Tackling Life and Relationships

by By Philip K. Hardin, M.A., M.Div.

Pages: 126

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781613792421

Price : $14.99

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781622304073

Price : $22.99

 Let your life roar!
Lions Were Born to Roar: A Man’s Guide to Tackling Life
and Relationships
by Philip
K. Hardin, is a radical call for all types of men to leave false identities
behind and think about their life in a very different way.
Throughout these pages, you will
be exposed to two important concepts: being known and living in community. You were designed to know and to be known. And you were made to live in community with family and friends, experiencing
the support of living together with others.
“Phil Hardin is one of those men who demonstrates
passion. Phil is open and vulnerable and can tell a story.  Read this
story and watch what happens to you as you find yourself drawn into what makes
a man "tick.”
Mumbower, Ph.D., LMFT
“Trained as an Engineer and
raised in a Bible church, I believed I understood how the world and God
“worked,” though I was totally baffled by my internal turmoil.  Phil’s book enabled me to pursue a
journey of deep healing. His words resonate with those of Eldredge and Barkalow
as gifted guides. A former turtle has dismissed his shell.”
Gearhart - Managing Principal, WGK Engineers
Men, rather than waiting for a
desperate solution to escape a marriage crisis, do yourself and your family a
favor – now! Take one small step onto the first page of Lions Were Born To Roar where Phil Hardin will skillfully guide you
through the sealed-off regions of your heart.
Musselman - President, The Jackson Institute
“I've been a
chameleon my entire life ... I just didn't know it. Although I'm not a lion
yet, I'm growing to become one. My personal relationships are more rewarding.
As I continue to grow through this process, the more at peace I am with myself,
and the deeper my connections are with others.”
Clint Barr – Former Professional Athlete /Personal
"It's often difficult to truly see yourself when
looking through your own eyes.  As a result of Phil's vast clinical
experience and keen insight, he has given me a blueprint by which I can examine
myself, as I've never been able to do before.”
O. Stodard, MD

K. Hardin, M.A., M.Div., is a Licensed
Marriage & Family Therapist and Certified Professional Life Coach. Phil is
also the President of Business & Professional Outreach, International. He
and his wife, Karla share a private counseling practice near Jackson,

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