When you wait on God things come, but how do you wait on God? When you forgive people, it’s hard, but what are the benefits? When you give to the Kingdom of God it may seem pointless, but what does God do for you? When you give your all to Jesus Christ He plans and desires to give you a sure sign of your purpose in life, but how do you give your all to Jesus? When you come to Jesus He gives you a dream, a vision, purpose but there are bumps in the road, what are they? These are questions many have pondered and wondered about and you hold in your hand answers for these questions. Are you ready for explosive spiritual growth and for God to reveal Himself in a way that you’ve never expected and cannot ever fully explain; here is your answer.
The purpose of this book is simple, to teach, engage and lead you into a deeper walk with Jesus and show you some things people want to know answers to; ranging from Christian singles to dream fulfilling to the enemies we face along the way, complaining and pride. With dreams come opportunities and opposition, both create who you are and prepare you for where you’re headed in the future with God. With the knowledge you hold in your hand your life can transform and that is exactly what God wants to do through this, transform you and change you. Again, I ask this simple question are you ready for explosive and a massive spiritual change in your life and a drastically awesome view of God? If so, here if your answer.
Adam Lovvorn is a native of North Charleston, South Carolina. He’s a Christian, 26 and ready to change the world for Jesus.