The purpose of your body, soul, and spirit
by Eric MacHaria
Pages: 318
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781498448765
Price : $18.99
What the heck is my purpose? Is a question that has troubled many generations before us. A question that has many people spending all their money with different gurus, some with psychics, others travelling to distant parts of the world. This question has many Christians going from church to church, preacher to preacher, hoping to find the answer. Some people unknowingly, hope to find their purpose in a relationship, others in a job, money, hobby, church or ministry.
About the Author
Eric MacHaria is a lover of God and His word. He found himself in a Catholic home as a child, which changed to Assemblies of God in his teenage years. He became fascinated by the Calvary Chapel ministry in his young adult years, as a student of the Word under Jon Courson. He has learned and found inspiration for this book, from Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, T.D Jakes, Jon Hagee, Jentezen Franklin, Marilyn Hickey, Creflo Dollar, Myles Monroe, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Mike Murdock, and so many other preachers most of them from the TBN family; and what a wonderful body of Christ. He lives in San Diego, California.