After being diagnosed with stage three colon cancer in 2004 I had an acute desire to see and understand the revelation of eternal life that the Father has promised all believers through their saving faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord began to lead me through a personal Bible study that helped me to see more of His eternal character and attributes. I have come to understand that the Sovereign King over the heavens and earth has an eternal plan of life for those He created in His own image.
There is an unmistakable current of truth flowing through the book of Genesis to the end of the book of Revelation. The Father
The author came to saving faith in Jesus Christ twenty seven years ago. From the beginning he has had a deep desire to know God through the revelation of His Word, and by listening to the voice of His Spirit. His ministry of God’s Word began as a Sunday School teacher and later moved him and his wife Judi to a youth pastoring position. From there, the Lord called Brian and his family to start a home church in north central Massachusetts. He has been pastoring New Covenant Ministries for the past seventeen years. The church body is committed to its mission work in Vietnam.