Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die! Forgiveness, and the ensuing and growing freedom and spiritual health that result from both giving and receiving it, is a vital key to experiencing the life that God intends for us. These true stories and experiences will take you into one woman’s journey forward in learning how God can speak about freedom and forgiveness through everyday events. These stories of adventure, despair, elation, sorrow, successes and failures will encourage you to hear God’s voice in your own life situations as He shows you more of His character. Walk forward into the arms of Jesus and into the freedom and healing that forgiveness brings!
Arden Campbell has been an English teacher for 21 years and served as a missionary in Hungary for 11 years. Her life in Hungary included hosting and helping lead short-term missions teams, working with orphans, helping to plant an international Christian fellowship, discipling women, leading worship, organizing outreach events and conferences, doing inner healing ministry, and teaching English as a second language. Her passion is to see people set increasingly free in their walks with Jesus! Arden currently lives in Kansas City, MO.