Book Detail

On Becoming a Man of God by John Patrick Ireland

On Becoming a Man of God

A Handbook for the Last Days

by John Patrick Ireland

Pages: 122

Dimensions: 5.25 x 8

  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Spiritual Warfare
  • RELIGION - Biblical Studies - Prophecy
  • RELIGION - Christianity - Pentecostal & Charismatic

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781629522890

Price : $13.49

The purpose of this short handbook is to prepare God’s people for the spiritual battles that are facing all of us, and the world itself, in these Last Days.
Using Psalm 101, the author shows readers that God, both in David’s time as well as our own day, intends Christians to be spiritually involved, in their daily circumstances, through intercessory prayer against evil spiritual forces.
However, the author draws his message from every corner of the Bible, demonstrating that the precepts for successful spiritual warfare are pervasive throughout the Word, timeless.

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