by Dennis Thornton
Pages: 126
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9798868511271
Price : $14.49
This book will be available to purchase on
March 12, 2025.
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is filled with love and passion. The letter describes all the gifts given to us by God’s grace through Christ. Paul emphasizes that God’s plan for us from the beginning was to be with Him for eternity, and that in His time through Christ, He enacted His plan for our salvation. Paul talks about our relationship with Christ and compares what our lives look like both with and without Him; emphasizing walking in love, light, and wisdom. With our relationship with God established, Paul focuses on our relationships with believers in the church, at home and at work. Paul reminds us that God has provided the necessary tools to successfully navigate all of our challenges. In the end, learning and applying sound doctrine plus unity in Christ plus being obedient and seeking to do God’s will equals a life lived that reflects Christ in us.
I’m Dennis Thornton. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in my 40s -- yes, I was late to the party. Since then, I’ve worked to understand God’s word and have tried to apply the Gospel in my life. This is my second book that works through one of Paul’s letters. It follows In Defense of the Gospel: A Journey Through Galatians. The more I feel led to write, the more I believe my expertise is growing as I continue in prayer and study to ensure that I’m being accurate, truthful, and consistent in interpreting God’s Word and sharing it with others. With the continued support of my wife, Lisa, and my three adult children, I hope to strengthen others hearts and minds in their Christian lives.