Grandpa's Favorite Pig Stories
by Gary W. Fick
Pages: 36
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9798868511783
Price : $19.99
This book will be available to purchase on
April 06, 2025.
Gary made up stories for his children. A relative heard him telling the stories and said they should be written down to share with everyone. These two stories touched on lessons young children usually learn at home: being careful, especially with electricity; worry and patience; respect for parents; being thankful for our food; not over eating.
Grandpa Gary W. Fick is a retired professor in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. He grew up on a cattle ranch in Nebraska, and his family always had a pig or two to eat table scraps and a little corn that was available. These tales were first imagined in response to requests from one of his sons to tell them a story. He and his wife Mae Ellen have three sons and seven grandchildren, and they all love stories.