The Last Light of Hope

Xulon Press presents Christian young adult fiction for ages 13 to 18, a much-needed appropriately themed fictional book for teenage readers.

Young Author Pens Refreshing Christian Young Adult Fiction: Helpless Girl Attempts to Save the Kingdom She Loves

Xulon Press presents Christian young adult fiction for ages 13 to 18, a much-needed appropriately themed fictional book for teenage readers.


Author Jewel Plank offers entertaining Christian young adult fiction filled with adventure in The Last Light of Hope ($17.99, paperback, 9798868511622; $9.99, e-book, 9798868511639).


Jewel’s fiction will keep teenage readers on the edge of their seats with a riveting storyline about a kingdom on the brinks of eroding into darkness. While the Kingdom of Prodotis was warned through the persistent pleadings of past heroes, the people chose to ignore “The Light” that had repeatedly saved them. Instead, the people chose to indulge in wicked ways. As mysterious fires spread, the home of a helpless girl, Jinx Loyson, is destroyed. She has no other choice than to retreat deep within the kingdom, where she is taken in by a lost hero who teaches her the skills of the sword and the ways of “The Light.” Readers will be enthralled as the kingdom grows darker and Jinx sets out to save her kingdom. Along the way, she faces cold-hearted people, shunning the only “One” who can save them. Is there hope for a kingdom plagued by darkness or will they continue to spiral down a dark path?


When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Jewel said, “The lack of truly Christian young adult fiction in the world. I want to write for those who search and long for clean, Christian fiction with all the adventure and lovable characters but without the trash.”


Jewel Plank is a teen author who travels America with her family for ministry. Ever since she was fourteen, she realized the need for more young adult Christian fiction, so she set out to fix it. Her dog, Penelope, works as a writing buddy as she crafts exhilarant adventures on paper. Jewel has always been interested in history and English at school; she is due to graduate in May 2025. In addition to writing, Jewel enjoys drawing and reading.




Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. The Last Light of Hope is available online through, and


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