Xulon Press presents practical steps for parents to make a lasting impact in their children's lives.

Your Interactions With Your Children Shape Their Future

Xulon Press presents practical steps for parents to make a lasting impact in their children's lives.


Author Hyacinth Dorleon compiles decades of experience as an educator, development consultant and parent in Parenting Realistically: A Guide To Healthy Parenting ($14.49, paperback, 9798868513077; $6.99, e-book, 9798868513084.)


Dorleon has spent her career working with children and youths, and has observed that those without healthy parenting were the most likely to be rejected by society for their behavior, such as aggression, bullying, or disrespect.  She felt that having these children pointed in such a negative direction so young, and through no fault of their own, was decidedly unfair.  As a result, she seeks now to empower parents to help shape their children's futures by raising the quality of their parent-child interactions.  Her book includes practical exercises and activities to engage readers and aid understanding.


"This book is one way of fulfilling that purpose of helping parents provide the right atmosphere for their children to become the best version of themselves, thereby fulfilling God's purpose for their life,said Dorleon.


Hyacinth Dorleon, a monitoring evaluation research and learning consultant from the island of Saint Lucia, has been an educator and community and youth development activist for more than 30 years.  She earned both Bachelor's and Master degrees in education, and has served as a youth and community development officer and a youth development coordinator. Dorleon is the mother of two sons.




Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. Parenting Realistically is available online through,, and


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