by George W. Denn
Pages: 164
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781602662971
Price : $15.49
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781602662988
Price : $23.99
Out of the fertile farm fields of Blue Earth county in south
central Minnesota emerge 47 unique stories. As unique as the
man God created to write them. Some will make you laugh. Some
will make you cry. Some will make you just plain wonder, but one
thing is for sure, you will plainly see that our Triune God is certainly "By George!"
George W. Denn is a fifth generation farmer
from south central Minnesota. He accepted
Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in his late
teens, but didn't take that calling very seriously
until age 32 when a series of crushing events
showed him that God in fact was very real! Since
that time George has followed Jesus Christ and
his teachings. He is a member of the Worldwide Church of God,
and is active in youth ministry.
George operates a 285 acre farm. Hay and pumpkins are his main
crops. His famous "Hay By George!" slogan is well recognized in
southern Minnesota. At present George is 44 years old and still
resides on the same farm where he was born.