Book Detail

Christianity by Donald W. Ekstrand


The Pursuit of Divine Truth

by Donald W. Ekstrand

Pages: 368

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • RELIGION - Christian Theology - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781604779295

Price : $20.99

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781606471371

Price : $32.99

BOOK SUMMARY: In this broad, comprehensive introduction to the religion of Christianity, Dr. Ekstrand takes the student on an exciting journey of divine truth. In it he explores related facts of science, the wisdom of philosophy, the truths of Scripture, the teachings of Jesus Christ, the message of the apostles, and the testimony of 2000 years of Church history. In short, this book presents the essence of orthodox Christianity as represented by both Catholic and Protestant traditions. This textbook gives contemporary understanding to the dynamics of the world's largest religion by examining it from four perspectives - science, philosophy, theology, and history. Its key features include:
-A working definition of religion and a description of the four types of religion
-An examination of the scientific evidence that confirms the existence of God
-A presentation of the philosophical arguments that affirm the existence of God
-A review of the most significant theological teachings of orthodox Christianity
-A survey of the history and growth of the Christian community worldwide
Those who take the journey through this book will not only come to a greater understanding and appreciation for Jesus Christ and those who have followed Him over the centuries, but also discover it be a fascinating inspirational experience.

AUTHOR BIO: Donald W. Ekstrand is adjunct professor of Christian studies at Grand Canyon University, and religious studies in the Maricopa Community College District in Arizona. Dr. Ekstrand holds degrees in business, education, theology and divinity - he received his undergraduate education at Arizona State University, his training for ministry at Talbot School of Theology, and his doctoral education at Western Seminary. He has served in teaching and executive administration positions for more than 30 years. Don and his wife, Barbara, have two grown daughters and live in Phoenix, Arizona.

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