by Jack Hilliard
Pages: 394
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781602666504
Price : $22.99
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781607910558
Price : $34.99
The end of this world as we know it is near. The book of Revelation is the
most prominent book in the Bible when it comes to revealing the events
of the end times. Revelation has been misunderstood by ministers and laymen
alike since its canonization in the Bible. It has been interpreted in so many ways
that it is confusing to the average Bible student, therefore, many today make
very little or no attempt to understand its truths. This book, however, uses a
different method of interpreting the Revelation. It uses the 39 books of the
Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament in the Bible to interpret
the book of Revelation -- Scripture interpreting Scripture. You see, God has
hidden the symbols and mysteries of Revelation within the Bible itself. When
we make this amazing discovery we will have more-Understanding Revelation,
the title of this book.
Jack Hilliard received his BS and MBA from California
Coast University. He has been a student of the Bible since
his salvation experience in 1978. He has taught a class in
Revelation, a walk through the Old and New Testament of
the Bible, Teaching teachers, etc. He has served the Lord in
many ways since 1978 including service as a Sunday School
Teacher, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, Member
of the Finance Committee, Deacon, and Chairman of the
Deacons, etc. He retired in 2005 after serving 35 years in the utility industry
where he received many awards and commendations from superiors and peers.
Jack heard the calling from the Holy Spirit approximately 7 years ago to write
a book on Revelation. This book is an answer to that call. Within the Bible
are passages from the Old and New Testament that reveals the mysteries and
symbols of the book of Revelation. There are many of those passages defined
in this book.