by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Pages: 692
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
Type : Paperback
ISBN : 9781498435444
Price : $45.49
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781619042940
Price : $55.99
Dr. Robert A. Morey is internationally respected as one of the best theologians and apologists in the 21st Century. He is the author of over 60 books. Dr. Morey’s educational background includes Classical Greek as well as Koine Greek, Hebrew, philosophy, “Jewish” and “Rabbinic writings” such as the Midrash, Mishnah, Talmuds, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Apocalyptic literature.
Dr. Morey clearly exegetes over 133 topics in The Encyclopedia of Practical Christianity. Many of the biblical topics require great understanding and skill that most theologians in today’s 21st century church do not possess. This is why there is so much confusion in the churches today.
Why is this book important to the Body of Christ and Pastors?
What does God want you to know, be, and do as an individual, family, church and nation? This question occupies the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Indeed, you could divide all the verses in the Bible into four groups. There are the verses that address:
• Individuals
• Families
• Churches
• Nations
Each of these four groups can be further divided into three sections that reveal the goal of each verse. As God speaks to us as individuals, families, churches, and nations, he is calling us to the three great tasks of the Christian life:
• God wants us to KNOW certain things. The acquisition of biblical knowledge is the foundation of the Christian life.
• God wants us to BE certain things. The development of Christ-like character qualities in our life is the focus of much of the Bible.
• God wants us to DO certain things. Obedience means that we must be doers of the Word and not mere hearers.
Throughout his many years of solid Bible teaching, Dr. Morey has sought to develop the biblical vision of all that God wants us to know, be, and do as individuals, families, churches, and nations. This book represents forty years of clear uncompromising allegiance to the fundamental truth that Scripture alone is the Origin of what we should believe and how we should live. You will find this work to be as practical as it is profound. May God expand your understanding of all He wants you to know, be, and do through this encyclopedia.
Dr. Robert A. Morey Ph.D., D.Min., D.D.
Faith Defenders