by Michael P. Arya
Pages: 354
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781630504724
Price : $20.49
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781631295539
Price : $31.49
Pope Leo XIII was born of a family of the lower nobility, raised in a pious household, and gifted with superior intelligence and an energetic temperament. In this comprehensive work, Dr. Arya chronicles how the Holy Father used these throughout his papacy to define the position of the Catholic Church in regard to the modern world. Throughout these pages, we see the man who laid a foundation upon which so many of the later popes would build. This book is a testimony to his life and his legacy.
Father Robert J. Cole, Sacred Heart Church
Oberlin, Ohio
Dr. Michael Arya makes the pontificate of Pope Leo XIII come alive for his readers, especially Pope Leo’s intellect and passion for improving the living conditions of the millions of people who were trapped in squalor at the end of the 19th century. A must read for Catholic historians interested in this period of Church life.
Father Donald H Dunson Ph.D., St. Vincent De Paul
Elyria, Ohio
In a secular age that is moving away from Western thought and wisdom, Dr. Arya’s excellent presentation of Pope Leo XIII is timely and appropriate. Pope Leo XIII had a wisdom and insight at the turn of the 20th century that is just as valid for today. Pope Leo XIII believed the viability of civilization will be a turning back to authentic Christian truth and Christian morality. Dr. Arya offers a superb insight into the mind and work of a very wise and holy man.
Father Vincent Gilmore, Holy Rosary Church
Edmonds, Washington
The future of social sciences and humanities, even that of natural sciences lies on the border between various disciplines. Economics in isolation from religion, or religion from environmental sciences, or engineering from echo systems will soon be unimaginable. Dr. Arya, a trained economist, marvelously sheds light on the life and thoughts of Pope Leo XIII, one of the greatest Christian authorities of the nineteenth century who brought a dynamic intellectualism to the Vatican. Because of his highly diverse and multidisciplinary scholarly background, he has managed to demonstrate a holographic picture of Leo XIII’ s moral thought beyond institutional complication of Church. I highly recommend this book to leaders and individuals of interfaith relations.
Amir Mahallati, Ph.D., Presidential Scholar
Oberlin College, Ohio
Michael P. Arya has a doctorate in economics and social studies. He taught at several colleges and universities for more than thirty years, including Florida SouthWestern State College. His other publications are Anthology: Masterpieces of Saints, Philosophers, and Poets, 2015, Economy: Other Early Major Essays and Civil Disobedience of Henry David Thoreau, third edition 2016 and several essays on economic and social issues. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his wife.