(Who do you think you are? God?)
by Jordan K. Michaels
Pages: 148
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryISBN : 9781632217974
Price : $9.50
Type : Paperback
ISBN : 9781632215208
Price : $14.49
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781662800856
Price : $22.99
What if you found out your spiritual life is None of Your Business?
Are you walking in the natural flesh (Galatians 5:19-21), and still alone? Or are you walking in the spirit (Galatians 5:22-25), who is never alone? For three years sceptics, doubters, critics, objectors, deniers, and one betrayer were taught to climb mountains, walk through valleys, feed 5,000, heal the sick, and even walk on water.
These same fishermen, tax collector, zealot, and thief, became disciples of Jesus Christ. Yet the one on the cross who gave his life, made a way for all to gain life more abundantly, through him.
It took them three years to be taught. How long will it take you?
Are you willing to learn to “sit at his feet” and find out Whose You Are?
Or are you in a race you have never trained for? Whether before or after you accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be saved from the turmoil and destruction of this life: will you always jump the gun and stumble to your own finish line? Or can you be taught how to “wait upon the Lord?” After 22-years of being born in the Spirit of the Living God, I continually rejoice in the Lord. Because He keeps moving me higher in His thoughts and His purpose, according to His terms. Before that day in 1998 I gave the Lord 33-years of bitterness, foolishness, rebellion and pride without thinking or imagining He would have such a Great Exchange for me.
I praise the Lord that yes, He walks with me and He talks with me. Because I have been made to be His own. In Jesus name!! How will you respond?
When you ask God for an employee manual, you will receive, when you believe (Matthew 6:33; 7:7-8). From the nonbeliever to the most dedicated follower “It’s None of Your Business” will guide every reader though the Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How of spiritual freedom. This married mother of three lives in Hawaii and shares what God dictated into her life and into His book. So, follow along a journey that begins with a challenge and continues through eternity.