Book Detail



12 Months Equal 1 Year

by L.A. Spicher

Pages: 80

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • JUVENILE FICTION - Religious - Christian - Values & Virtues
  • JUVENILE FICTION - Religious - Christian - Family
  • JUVENILE FICTION - Animals - Turtles

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662841767

Price : $12.49

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781662843402

Price : $20.99

Imagine this. You are a kid getting ready to start a whole new year. Twelve months lie ahead of you jam packed with holidays, birthdays, play dates, school days, countless adventures, changes of seasons, and so much more. Where do you even begin? Perhaps two little tortoises can help.
Six-year-old Pickles and four-year-old Squirt are a brother and sister duo who are ready for their year to begin, and they want you to come along to experience the fun with them while learning valuable lessons along the way.
Be there when both siblings have a first performance in the arts and how, by being there for each other, that there is never a need to be afraid or nervous. Go to a ball game and discover not only fun, but a selfless act of a sister for her brother. Have fun in the sun at the beach and remember to include friends in the fun. Experience holidays like Easter and Christmas and learn not only about well-known traditions, but also about a heavenly man named Jesus. Feel the love Pickles and Squirt share with their family throughout the entire year.
Witness all of these events and more in L. A. Spicher’s first children’s book Turtle Tales with Pickles and Squirt: 12 Months Equal 1 Year. Packed with fun-filled stories, interesting tortoise facts, interactive questions, and thoughtful reminders, Pickles and Squirt are ready for you to join them as they make their way through each month of the year. Don’t be sad once the year is over, though, for these young tortoises have many more stories yet to tell in the future.

L.A. Spicher was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
a city filled with American history. After graduating college with
her B.A. in Accounting, she moved to the sunny state of Florida.
Here she has had the joy of raising her two children, now 21
and 23 years old. Together, they all enjoy life with their two
tortoises. Faith and family are most important to Linda. She
also enjoys baking, fishing, family game night, volunteering
at local schools, and writing. Her favorite time of the year is
spring when flowers bloom, light rains pass through, and the
skies are bright blue. Turtle Tales with Pickles and Squirt is
Linda’s first children’s book.

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