Book Detail

Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend by Elizabeth Howard

Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend

by Elizabeth Howard

Pages: 34

Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5

  • JUVENILE FICTION - Religious - Christian - Fantasy & Science Fiction
  • JUVENILE FICTION - Religious - Christian - Inspirational
  • JUVENILE FICTION - Religious - Christian - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662865558

Price : $14.99

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781662865565

Price : $26.99

Tickle Tickle is a big beautiful white feather who lives on a cloud way up in the sky. He has so much love and compassion for all of God’s children on Planet Earth and travels here daily to make sure everyone is safe. Who do you think is lost and crying in the park?
Author Elizabeth Howard continues to write exciting, wonderful and inspiring books that are so good you will find it difficult to put them down. Her new children’s book Tickle Tickle will touch your heart, your imagination and all of your emotions. Enjoy the journey with Tickle Tickle.
Doug Thompson, President
BDS Productions Abilene, Kansas

Author Photo

Author Bio:
A resident of Pottsboro, Texas for twenty two years, Elizabeth Howard is a lady that always has a smile on her face and will talk to you no matter color of skin or station in life.
She is an author of two other books, Tickle Tickle Your Steps are Ordered, and Tickle Tickle Feathers Travel.
She is a wife, mom, grandmother and to many more, a good friend. After writing her last book she wanted to bring Tickle Tickle to life.

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