Pages: 558
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662871047
Price : $35.99
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781662871054
Price : $44.49
“An impressive work of Scripture and prayers and two-way journaling!”
Dr Mark Virkler – Founder Christian Leadership University.
“An exhaustive and deeply personal Bible-based guide to overcoming the issues of life and making heaven!”
Prof Nosa Owens-Ibie, Vice-Chancellor, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos Nigeria
Exploring God’s Presence is a practical book that helps you navigate the realm of the supernatural by the power of the Holy Spirit. You learn to commune with God in a two-way journaling process. Isn’t it exciting to speak to God and you know God hears you and speaks to your heart? That brings joy, peace, and comfort! You also learn to worship God with the one thousand lyrics compiled in this book.
There are four sessions in this book, published in one volume in hardcover. The book contains prayer and teaching sessions with scriptural references, self-deliverance sessions, devotionals, and worship sessions. It greatly helps you to focus on God and pray in God’s Will. The book contains the following subjects:
Over 2,000 prayer points with bible references
Over 500 sermon notes
200 prayer and bible nugget sessions
100 two-way jouraling prayers
100 daily devotions and articles
Many topical bible study sessions
Thanksgiving, supplication, intercesory prayer sessions
Prayer rain and harvest sessions
1,000 worship songs, choruses & hymns
Anointing and impartation prayers
Self-motivation prayer sessions
Spiritual warefare sessions
Self-deliverance prayer sessions
Breaking generational sins, curses, trauma and bondages
Blessings, God’s favour and much more.......
Increased wisdom and revelation
Detailed index for word search
Prayer of faith and healing
Dr Joseph Agbi, D.Th. and Dr Esther Agbi, D.Th. both graduated with their Doctorate Degree in Theology from Christian Leadership University Florida, USA. They are Senior Pastors and Founder of Christ our Wisdom and Power Ministries ( based in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. They bring a combined Christian experience of over eighty years, walking with the Lord. Joseph Agbi holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree, an MBA and a Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering. Esther Agbi is a Practicing Pharmacist. They are blessed with two children, Deborah, and David.