Book Detail

The Stained Glass Curtain: by Dimitri Sala

The Stained Glass Curtain:

Crossing the Evangelical-Catholic Divide to Find Our Common Heritage

by Dimitri Sala

Pages: 166

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - Christianity - Catholic
  • RELIGION - Christian Theology - General
  • RELIGION - Christian Church - History

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662816352

Price : $15.49

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781662879760

Price : $23.99

The relationship between Catholics and Evangelicals is a story
of power plays and politics,
misunderstandings and bitterness. Battle lines from past
wars--sometimes literal wars--are still
drawn, even if only in the realm of ideas and beliefs. This is
the inherited filter through which
each group is taught to view the other. And this filter has
become an invisible self-defeating
barrier; thus, in a post-Iron Curtain era, Christians still
maintain a "Stained Glass Curtain" of
mutual suspicion and mistrust.
Addressing the claim that Catholicism preaches another gospel,
Father Dimitri Sala
demonstrates in The Stained Glass Curtain that many -- even
Catholics -- don't know official
Catholic teachings! When it comes to the basic message of
salvation, that teaching, and the
preaching of Evangelicals, do not differ. Combining his own
testimony, authoritative Catholic
sources, and passages from the Bible, he boldly invites you to
learn the truth and embrace the
reality of our common heritage.
The book has been given the “Permission to Publish” of the
Catholic Church. The “Permission
to Publish” is an official declaration by ecclesiastical authority
that the material in a publication
is free from doctrinal and moral error.

Fr. Dimitri is a Franciscan priest, ordained in 1984. Based in Chicago, he is not the pastor of a local church, but has a full-time apostolic ministry combined with a life of prayer.
Fr. Dimitri has conducted retreats, days of reflection, apostolic leaders' workshops, healing services, missions and revivals, and in the past, a summer street ministry. With his trained team he has ministered to clergy and laity of many ethnicities, ages, and denominations. He has also been a featured speaker in diocesan, regional, national, and international conferences, and has appeared on Christian media. The ministry has also extended itself through publication of a pamphlet, and articles on evangelization and ecumenism themes.
All his life as a friar, Fr. Dimitri has had relationships with Christians of various denominations;
this eventually led him to involvement in different countries with reconciliation efforts between Evangelical Protestants and Catholics. His book is the product of these years of “Crossing the Evangelical-Catholic Divide to Find Our Common Heritage”.
More information can be found on the book’s website,

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