by Edward Elkins
Pages: 338
Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662882951
Price : $19.99
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781662886454
Price : $29.99
How great a distance would you travel
to search for and better know Jesus?
For some, it is an ongoing quest to discover the truth.
Author Edward Elkins had once obtained a copy of Rev. William Mahan’s The Archko Volume, published in 1887, by recommendation. Upon reading, the translated manuscripts brought tears to his eyes at many passages, all of which felt very true to the author. When searching the authenticity of the book, however, Edward found there to be division between a large group of people who believed it to be genuine, and a respectable number of people who wrote it off as mere forgery and imagination. The few, claiming that Rev. Mahan had himself written the seven manuscripts of recorded testimonies, from well-known biblical figures. These include Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, Herod the Great, his son, Mary and Joseph, and other contemporaries of Jesus, all found inside The Archko Volume.
Frustrated by this debate, and finding there was a church hearing about it; Edward began an intense exploration to discover the truth. He launched his own legitimate investigation into Mahan and these manuscripts, an ambitious feat never before accomplished or even attempted, beyond mere speculation.
That winding journey, and the evidence and circumstances the author found, are all contained in the illuminating pages of THE ARCHKO VOLUME – REVEALED: A FURTHER SEARCH FOR THE HISTORICAL JESUS with Additional Evidence.