Book Detail

The Constitution and Canons of the Christian Episcopal Church of Canada 2023 by The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada

The Constitution and Canons of the Christian Episcopal Church of Canada 2023

Regnal Revision

by The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada

Pages: 162

Dimensions: 8.5 x 11

  • RELIGION - Christianity - Anglican
  • RELIGION - Christianity - Catholic
  • RELIGION - Christian Church - Administration

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662892561

Price : $17.99

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781662892578

Price : $28.99

The Constitution and Canons 2023, together with the Standard Liturgical Texts and Standards of Doctrine and Discipline included with them, are the foundation of the Canon Law of the Christian Episcopal Church of Canada, and govern and direct the ecclesiastical life and work of the Clergy and Faithful of this particular portion of the Catholic and Apostolic Church. This present revision of the Constitution and Canons was necessitated by the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and the accession of His Majesty King Charles the Third, and the need to include additional documents and to correct certain textual deficiencies.

The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada is a national Catholic and Apostolic Church of the Anglican tradition, which upholds the orthodox Christian Faith and Religion as it was first established by the Apostles and taught by them to the Fathers of the Early Church, and subsequently handed down to the Church throughout the centuries. The Christian Episcopal Church upholds the essential principles of the Anglican religious settlement, especially as those are set forth in the Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion as these are received and interpreted by the Christian Episcopal Church.

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