Book Detail

The Anointing of Faith-Based Affirmations by Florine G. Freeman

The Anointing of Faith-Based Affirmations

A Parental Guide to Help Children Using The Word of God

by Florine G. Freeman

Pages: 76

Dimensions: 5 x 8

  • BIBLES - God's Word - Children
  • FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS - Parenting - General
  • EDUCATION - Parent Participation

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662897993

Price : $12.49

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781662898006

Price : $20.99

• Faith-based affirmations will set the tone for your child’s day!
• Rise up every morning and speak the Word of God over your child and with your child!
• Prayer, love, faith, consistency, patience, commitment, wisdom and the right posture will produce positive results!
When you affirm your child, it will build their confidence, refine their image, give them security, stability and a foundation securing their identity.
Faith-based affirmations will only work by faith. You must believe that what you speak out of your mouth will manifest!!! What you speak out of your mouth must agree with what’s in your heart. You must believe in your heart……what you confess out of your mouth.

Author Photo

I’m a native Chicagoan. I graduated from Living Word School of Ministry in June of 2023. I’m a 2nd time author. My parents were amazing and instrumental in my life; they were a great blessing to me and my siblings. I’m the youngest of fourteen; I have seven sisters and six brothers. God has given me a gift to work with children. For almost 20 years, I’ve worked as a teacher in education. I love to teach children!

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