Teddy is a little Chihuahua who desperately wants to find himself a loving home. As Teddy will soon realize that is not always that easy. His foster mom. who takes good care of him, does everything she can to help Teddy get adopted. His best friend, who happens to be a flea named Freddy, tries to help him too. When Teddy and Freddy end up at the adoption fair, they see a lot of other dogs there who want a home. When Teddy isn’t selected, Freddy jumps in to give his words of encouragement and to wipe away Teddy’s tears. Teddy has almost given up when a special little girl notices him. Is this the magic moment he has been waiting for?
I am a retired high school history teacher who enjoys writing. My first novel was Mary Grace and the Clarview Girls which was based on a true story about my family’s adventurers in moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Ontario, Canada where I attended a Canadian girls’ boarding school. I have been writing since I was in the 7th grade.
My current book was inspired by Teddy, my Chihuahua, that I adopted at an adoption fair. My husband and I currently live in Orlando, Florida. We selected a place halfway between Disney World and our church. My Christian faith has always been very important to me. Please visit me on Facebook at Debra Burr Downing as well as my website DebraDowning.com