Book Detail

Facing Forward by Connie Cobb

Facing Forward

Unpacking the Impact of Sexual Abuse

by Connie Cobb

Pages: 152

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Women's Issues
  • SELF-HELP - Abuse
  • RELIGION - Christian Ministry - Counseling & Recovery

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781545674376

Price : $15.49

Ready to face forward instead of looking back?

“God created us to be loved. There is something essential about each of us that naturally wants to belong and be acceptable to others. We want to fit in. Sexual trauma disrupts this natural balance and creates an awkward chaos within us… Abuse is a lonely place that holds on tightly to its captives. It perpetuates an ongoing sense of insecurity and fear and its power is found in the trapping of its victims.” -Connie Cobb
“Facing Forward is a beautiful guide to help the injured heal from sexual abuse. There is solid truth and application folded throughout the entire manuscript! This book is truly a gift to those seeking complete restoration!” 
-Sara Bolden DPT, Women First Rehabilitation

“Facing Forward provides life-giving freedom to anyone who has suffered from sexual abuse. Connie Cobb empathetically relates to individuals who are struggling with the silent internal battle of childhood abuse as she tenderly empowers them to embrace healing. If you are looking for a gospel-centered, caring path toward hope and recovery, Facing Forward is a must read.”
-Talli Moellering, Executive Director, A Beacon of Hope Women’s Center

Author Photo

Connie is a lay Christian counselor who has served in various ministries in and around metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, for over twenty years. Her passion is to share with other abused women about the ever-increasing freedom she has come to know from trusting God’s lead in her life. She is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and has strived for the majority of her life to overcome its traumatic effects.

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