he Topic Bible Studies Addressing Everyday Problems and Questions study series is designed to
be thought-provoking to help guide youth into a better understanding of God and themselves,
and to deal with everyday issues that we all face. The study is equally appropriate for adults
and youth; however, the example situations are primarily aimed at addressing issues that are more
specific to youth. The series is interactive and is meant to generate self-examination and discussion.
The study focuses on our need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and seeks to reveal how
the Lord is active in our lives through the Holy Spirit. The series assists students in discovering how
God has made them unique, with their own special qualities and abilities to share with the world.
The lessons also extend a challenge for each week to specifically incorporate what they have learned
into their daily lives.
“A rich resource for personal growth through the Scriptures, and an ever learning self-study that
enhances integrity and commitment to Christian ethics, Aaberg’s Studies produce such a valued
research in understanding practical truths and terms that its application underscores Christian
awareness at a maximized level.”
MINISTER DENNIS G. AABERG is the Youth Department Director for the Shiloh Temple
International Ministries church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. He has been active in numerous areas of the
church over his lifetime, but his main focus has been in Youth Ministry. Minister Aaberg has a passion for
seeing others come to know Christ in a personal way so they can experience the peace that comes only
from the Lord. He has been teaching youth for nearly twenty years and feels this Bible study series provides
the depth, in a Bible study for youth, that he has seen lacking.