Book Detail

Written With Rhyme and Reason by Annette Adams

Written With Rhyme and Reason

by Annette Adams

Pages: 200

Dimensions: 8.25 x 11

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781594670695

Price : $19.49

"He did it without rhyme or reason" is an old saying we've heard many times in the past. When considering a title for my collection of writings, I realized that I had written poetry with rhyme and reason. Thus, the title and the layout for the book: the reason will appear on the left and the rhyme will appear on the right.
I've been reminded that "this just isn't done." But, as my daughter, Susie, said, "Just because it isn't done doesn't mean that it couldn't or shouldn't be done. For instance, think of the art world. Doesn't it enhance Wyeth's painting, 'Christina's World,' to know the story behind it?"
I have sought to "catch the current in events" in the world and in our everyday lives. I have tackled everything from politics to puppy dogs.
I invite you to consider then lament, laugh, or praise God with me.

Author Photo

Annette Adams' first book, The Desert Rat, is the remarkable story of missionary/nurse Aileen Coleman and her work in the deserts of Jordan. Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse has distributed ten thousand copies of the book within eighteen months of publication. But Annette's first love is poetry. Her first submitted poem was published on the cover of the magazine that preceded World. In her collegiate youth, her first audition for a professional dancing career brought her into the exclusive Empire Room of the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago. Marriage brought her lifetime commitment to Christ into Christian ministry. She has served as a pastor's wife, a missionary to London, a wise and sought-after counselor, a Bible teacher, a retreat speaker, a choir member, and a world traveler, with five trips to the Middle East. Her voracious appetite for Bible study, reading, and observing the human scene has accelerated her productivity in these later years. Married for fifty-six years, she has one daughter, Mrs. T. M. Moore, four grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren. She now resides in Concord, Tennessee.

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