Book Detail

The Incredible Patience of God by Lane Adams

The Incredible Patience of God

by Lane Adams

Pages: 176

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Social Issues

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781594671050

Price : $15.99

Many believers become discouraged with the long process of growth in their walk with Christ. In fact, Lane Adams believes it is "the rare spiritual prodigy" who moves rapidly to spiritual maturity. In this refreshing and helpful book, he offers encouragement, candid humor, and practical insight for those who are struggling in their Christian lives.
In many ways, some Christians today are indistinguishable from the culture around them.They deny moral absolutes of right and wrong and affirm situational ethics. Their God is one-sided—all blessing and no judgment. In this book, Lane Adams urges Christians to seek a balance between asking for forgiveness and being accountable.
The Incredible Patience of God will help Christians rethink their beliefs about sin and repentance, and will assure believers who are sincerely seeking a closer relationship with God.

In his ten years as an associate evangelist with Billy Graham, Lane Adams conducted forty-three citywide crusades in five nations, and spoke at conferences, church meetings, and civic functions too numerous to mention. He has preached widely on both radio and television. He has planted a new church and served as pastor of six churches, one of which exceeded four thousand members. Prior to entering the ministry, he served as a Navy fighter pilot in World War II and was awarded three Air Medals and the Distinguished Flying Cross. His other experiences include singing with a big band, and working in an automobile business, in banking, and in hotel management. He graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary and holds a Doctor of Divinity degree from Bellhaven College. He and his wife, Annette, continue to write for publication. Annette's current book, The Desert Rat, the biography of missionary/nurse Aileen Coleman, will soon be followed by a book of poetry titled Written with Rhyme and Reason. They have one daughter, Mrs. T.M. (Susie) Moore, four grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren. They reside in Concord, Tennessee.

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