Book Detail

The Gospel According to Mark by Jan Wells

The Gospel According to Mark

by Jan Wells

Pages: 340

Dimensions: 8.25 x 11

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781594676659

Price : $22.99

This in-depth inductive Bible study examines Mark's record of events in Christ's life and ministry and considers the same events as presented in the other Gospels. The twenty-two-week study looks for eternal principles to lead Christ's followers to a life of obedience and commitment. It includes many questions to bring personal application from Christ's teaching through Mark's historical and biographical narrative. The lessons also offer reflections in Scripture in the study of the classical spiritual disciplines to challenge students to grow in their faith as mature disciples of Christ. The study provides a number of options for completing the lessons. When a group is meeting weekly, each student will benefit from the review discussion suggested in the accompanying leader's guide.

Author Photo

JAN WELLS has been married thirty-eight years, is the mother of two grown and married children, and is a new grandmother. A former English and history teacher, Jan has written eleven in-depth inductive studies reflecting her passion for the Lord and His word. Incorporated in Jan's writing are a commitment to the importance of the ministry of discipleship within the body of Christ and a sensitivity to the differences in the way people think and learn. Jan, the creator of Sunergos Bible Studies, has taught the Bible to adults for over twenty years in an interdenominational ministry.
The author has an M.A. in Christian Ministry from Simpson College (C&MA) and is pursuing an M.Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (SBC). The inductive studies available include The Life of David, Jonah, The Sermon on the Mount, The Gospel According to Mark, The Epistle to the Romans, Galatians and the Fruit of the Spirit, Ephesians, Titus and the Call to Biblical Discipleship, James, and the topical studies, Women of the Word and Prayers of the Bible. The studies have been used in a number of churches throughout the country, and because of their thoroughness, they have become valuable resources for many pastors and Bible teachers.

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