Nursing Through Eyes of Faith
by Christina Feist-Heilmeier, RN, MSN
Pages: 184
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781606479100
Price : $15.99
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781606479117
Price : $24.99
This book carries a message of hope and life to nurses in a troubled and challenging
profession. It is the power boost every nurse needs today. Readers experience the
real reason behind the nurse's behavior: Caring. Why and how do we care? Do we
care enough? How can we keep on caring? Where is the Source of Caring?
Readers embark on this exciting journey through the life of the nurse: her joys,
sorrows, achievements, and crosses. They visit the nurse's mysterious dimension
of faith. They laugh and cry, and become inspired and refreshed. Some will be
inspired to study Nursing, others will try to be better nurses, while yet others will
decide to stay in Nursing even longer. There is something for everyone: a taste of
what really matters in Nursing, Caring.
Christina Feist-Heilmeier, RN has spent thirty years in the healthcare world,
specializing in geriatric, obstetrical, and medical/surgical Nursing. She holds a
Master of Science Degree in Nursing and has two honorable discharges from
military service as a Commissioned Offi cer in the Indian Health Service and the
United States Air Force. She has worked in Nursing "from sea to shining sea,"
spanning from Alaska to the East Coast, to Mexico and the Caribbean, witnessing
dramatic events throughout her work and travels. She now translates her career
experiences into learning experiences for her students as a faculty member at the
College of Southern Maryland Nursing Department and the Staff Development
Coordinator at St. Mary's Nursing Center. She has recently been called to serve
in a new capacity as an author, sharing her compelling thoughts in the writings
contained within the covers of this book.