The Pastor's Life, Church Life, and Church Leadership about Ministry
by Dr. Oneal C. Sandidge, PhD; DMIN
Pages: 192
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781607914006
Price : $15.99
What Others Say about This Book
Dr. Sandidge has written a very comprehensive book on leadership. Every pastor and church leader can find many tidbits of information that will improve their leadership skills. This book will provide help in building a ministry team approach. There are many helpful ideas for the church leader to develop other leaders for the church, and especially Bible teachers. A helpful and insightful book.
Dr. Frank Schmitt
Professor of Church Ministries
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School
1971 University Blvd.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Dr. Oneal Sandidge is not only a perceptive author, but he has also lived and worked in the field of Christian Education at numerous institutions of higher education. I have observed Oneal professionally, as a teacher and lecturer, for many years. He has character, insight and experience that qualify him to share concepts of the Christian ministry in general, and Christian education in particular, that will be life-changing for his readers.”
Dr. James B. Keiller, Vice President & Dean for Academic Affairs
Beulah Heights University
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Oneal Sandidge has written a great book for training pastors, church leaders, and ministry leaders for improving church ministry. This powerful book deals specifically with church ministry. Dr. Sandidge has used his exceptional skills from serving as Director of Christian Education, college professor, and ministerial experiences to suggest ways for rethinking ministry. This book will help pastors, church officials, ministry leaders, and those who teach church leadership. Any reader would benefit from this book.
Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr., Senior Pastor of
Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church and Professor
Howard University - School of Divinity
Washington, DC