by Dag Heward-Mills
Pages: 520
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781612157481
Price : $34.99
Discover the keys, strategies and principles for successful and effective pastoral work
· Invaluable tips for training laity to perform priestly functions
· Understanding that the presence and power of God is the key to doing great works for God
· Concise instructions on how to receive an anointing
· Helpful hints on how to make advancements in Ministry
· Insightful instructions for the personal development of a pastor
One night while studying in a remove town of Ghana, God miraculously anointed Dag Heward-Mills as he waited upon the Lord. He supernaturally heard the words, “From now on you can teach…” This supernatural call is what has ushered him into a worldwide ministry.
Today, his Healing Jesus Crusades are conducted throughout the world with thousands in attendance and many accompanying miracles. These phenomenal miracles, attested to by medical doctors have included the opening of the eyes of the blind, the restoring of hearing to the deaf, the emptying of wheel chairs and even the raising of the dead.
Dag Heward-Mills, an author of several bestselling books also founded the Lighthouse Chapel International has become a worldwide denomination. His radio, TV and internet programs reach millions around the world. Other outreaches include pastors and ministers conferences and the renowned Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center.
Dag Heward-Mills lives in Accra, Ghana with his wife Adelaide and their four children: David, Joshua, Daniella and Paula.