Book Detail

The New Heaven And The New Earth by Frank Scavone

The New Heaven And The New Earth

by Frank Scavone

Pages: 24

Dimensions: 5.25 x 8

  • RELIGION - Spirituality

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781612157757

Price : $10.99

This book Is a prophecy of things to come. The intention is to show you what direction God is going. And to have you ask yourself are you following God? Are you on the right path to salvation?
This is an informational breakdown of what is happening in the world today, and what will happen in the years to come. Backed up by facts and figures to show you there is a plan, bigger than us, and we need to prepare ourselves by accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts so we will move on with God for all eternity. Please do yourself a favor and read this book. Drink in the knowledge of what the Lord has planned. And pass it on to those you hold dear.
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