A Daily Devotion for Business People!
by Craig E. Mc Ilroy
Pages: 430
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781615797462
Price : $28.99
In 2008, we experienced the worst global
economic crisis in the United States since the Great Depression in the 1930’s.
Because our ways are not His ways, we have allowed ourselves to think about
money and wealth incorrectly. We need to understand this properly not only “to
set our paths straight (Proverbs 3:6)” but to enjoy the business successes,
financial blessings, and eternal treasures that God has waiting for us.
What does this book do?
• Provides
a one year plan and process to get your business or job on a successful
• Connects you to God in a meaningful way
• Develops a continual prayer life
• Provides proper understanding of money and
• Helps you see daily the blessings and rewards
for your efforts
• Reduces the anxiety of trying to make a living
• Develops defensive strategies in protecting
your business from those wanting to harm it
• Builds a long term foundation that can be
handed down to your children
Set your day on the right track. Be
prepared to take on any challenges that arise. Put on the armor of God which
provides you the defense you need but more importantly, the offense. Look for
the opportunities that God brings His children as He has promised. Enjoy the
many rewards God has for us and use them to His glory. Martin Luther said on
his calendar there are only two days: “today” and “That Day”. May we invest our time, talent and treasures
“today” in light of “that day”!