Book Detail

Hidden Hope by Maynard Bork

Hidden Hope

by Maynard Bork

Pages: 224

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - Inspirational
  • FICTION - Family Life - General
  • RELIGION - Christian Life - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781631291777

Price : $16.49

Hopelessness can be a powerful and consuming enemy, but as long as God is in our midst, there is always hope.
From biblical times to today, we have all experienced the obstacle of hopelessness to some degree, whether we are struggling with loneliness, confusion, or heartbreak. Yet with the power of God, we can break the hold that hopelessness has upon our lives.
In Hidden Hope, author Maynard Bork shares five short stories about lives that are shrouded in hopelessness. Within these tales that offer spiritual inspiration, you’ll meet a rancher, a lady who lives under a bridge, and three men from fictionalized accounts_import in the New Testament of the Bible. Discover how everyday individuals find the hope of the Lord in the deepest depths of hopelessness as the characters in these timeless works learn to trust in their Savior even when the clouds of life around them try to block the light of His presence.
As you follow the journeys in these Christ-centered stories, in which each character faces hopelessness at certain times in their life, you will be inspired as they overcome their challenges by clinging to God and watching as He delivers them from their trials.
Hidden Hope will fill you with the warmth of Christ’s love and the encouragement to hold on to hope for one more day, no matter what you may be battling in your own story. Bork’s powerful vignettes of faith will increase your desire to know God better and trust Him more each step of the way.
Through this uplifting book of uncovering the hope in your life, Bork’s words will strengthen your spirit to embrace the loving, merciful God he met while sitting on a tractor in the middle of a field. Over the years, Bork himself has learned to never let go of hope, even when all seems lost, and his prayer is that you too will believe that God will always make a way for you.
Don’t give up, the God of hope will rescue you.
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Hidden Hope is the third book published by Maynard Bork. It is a testament of God’s love and mercy.
Maynard was raised on a farm in northeast Missouri. At the time, the people there had limited access to Christian materials. The nearest Christian bookstore was seventy miles away.
His family were farmers, good hard-working people. They didn’t attend church, but clearly understood the meaning of hidden hope. Maynard surrendered his life to God at the age of 24. He, however, had limited knowledge of the God he had just given his life to. He studied at every opportunity. The more he studied the more he found a compassionate, merciful, God who loved him. Loved him even when he thought that that same God couldn’t or wouldn’t.
Maynard hoped to share the knowledge he had gained and soon discovered that he had a talent to share his knowledge through story telling.
If you were here you would hear him say, no matter what you have or haven’t done, God loves you.

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