Book Detail

Joash:The Child King by Mrs. Stephanie Miller-Henderson, M.A., M.S.

Joash:The Child King

Book 2 of the Young yet Chosen! Series

by Mrs. Stephanie Miller-Henderson, M.A., M.S.

Pages: 32

Dimensions: 8.5 x 11

  • JUVENILE NONFICTION - Religion - Bible Stories - General
  • JUVENILE NONFICTION - History - Africa
  • JUVENILE NONFICTION - Religion - Christianity

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781632218407

Price : $14.99

Joash: The Child King is the 2nd book of a three book series that poetically captures the stories of young people who triumphed during biblical times. Athaliah, Joash’s grandmother, thought she had destroyed all the royal heirs. BUT GOD!!!! In the seventh year, Jehoiada the priest, revealed Joash to the people who thought that the grandmother was the rightful heir to the throne and the child Joash was crowned King Joash. Go on this adventure with Joash, another young person chosen by God!
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