The “Virtuous Vow: Living a Life of Purity…on Purpose” is a testimony of how at an early age, Brittany chose to live a life that was unique, different, but also honorable in God’s eyes and according to his Word. Her desire is to always encourage others to live bold, confident, and to accept the calling of God on our lives. This book will share how God led Brittany to encourage and inspire others by birthing “Purity on Purpose”. Purity on Purpose (PoP) is an outreach ministry promoting and honoring purity in all facets of life (sexual, mental/emotional, and spiritual) by encouraging chastity and abstinence for all young adults during their season of singleness. The calling and anointing of PoP is based on 1 Timothy 4:12, the ministry’s foundational scripture. The Virtuous Vow illustrates Brittany’s personal experiences and her passionate journey in how she supports and encourages adolescents and single adults to live holy and pure while waiting to be married.
Brittany M. Calloway-Shider is a Counselor, Speaker and Mentor who skillfully balances her career in education and in ministry. She is unique among her generation by sharing her testimony of being a 32-year old virgin as she mentors and encourages youth to practice abstinence and purity according to God’s word. Brittany, as a minister of the gospel, in a world where impurity is among the popular, her ultimate goal is to spread the message of purity, equipping the young and the young at heart, reshaping minds toward holy living, in order to fulfill God’s purpose.