“He hath made everything beautiful in His Time”
by E.M. Joyce
Pages: 70
Dimensions: 7 x 10
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662814914
Price : $12.99
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781662878213
Price : $24.99
We all want good things to happen in our lives, but too often we want it now...not later. When it doesn't happen that way, we are asked, "When, God, when?" Most of us need to grow in the area of trusting God instead of focusing on the "when". If you're missing joy and peace, you're not trusting God. We have the tendency to want to know about everything that's going on. Sometimes knowing everything can be uncomfortable and can even hurt you. God had to teach me to leave things alone and quit feeling that I needed to know everything.
God wants us to live by faith and revelation of knowledge, not head knowledge. It's difficult to exercise faith if you're always trying to figure everything out. But when you're willing to say, "God, I can't figure this out, so I'm going to trust You to give me revelation that will set me free," then you can be comfortable in spite of not knowing. Trusting God often requires not knowing how God is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it. We often say God is never late, but generally He isn't early either. Why? Because He uses times of waiting to stretch our faith in Him and to bring about change and growth in our lives.
E. M. Joyce enjoys a busy life – holding a 9 to 5 job and writing. She lives alone after the passing of husband Stephen two years ago. She has five fantastic children and four gorgeous grandchildren, and they reside in the beautiful island of Nassau, Bahamas. Joyce praises God for the gift of writing that she never visualized possible. She is multi-published in spiritual books. This book is dedicated to my late husband Stephen C. Joyce may his soul continue to rest in the arms of Jesus.
She can be contacted at E.MJoyce@hotmail.com. Be sure to collect her previous books-Hidden Treasures, Rekindling the Fire Within and The Journey Home.