The Lord’s return is near. The whole world is noticing rumblings of the scenes in Revelation and is wondering about them. The book is written to believers so we would read, hear and keep the words written within.
This is an outline to help organize some of the timing of the events, so we can do just that. Bible prophecy is typically written in the same way. There is a rough outline of sorts, then a filling in of the details within the big picture. Revelation is no different. We have seen all the symbols before in our Bibles. This is the revealing of Jesus Christ and of His day…The Lord’s Day. It is the wrapping up of all things and the reclaiming of Earth from the fall by our Kinsman Redeemer; quoting Missler.
I found that when the chapters in Revelation are removed, the way John wrote it, a clarity emerges. I felt that God was leading me to do that. This book is about Jesus Christ as God Almighty and He says it. It is a book about 7 seals and the events within them. Everything else in Revelation is within the 7 seals. Once we understand that, then events fall into place.
Where are we? When is the rapture? Have we misunderstood that? What is the Mark of the Beast? God tells us, and I’ll show you. Will any believers (other than Israel) even be on Earth to face taking this mark?
There are so many things in Revelation hidden in plain sight. It’s all there so we would know it, so let’s hunker down and take a serious look. He wants us to know what the prophecy says and to show others, so they can know too, and heed the warnings within this…The Revelation of Jesus Christ.