Have Faith, It Can Move Mountains
by Tony Mauldin
Pages: 316
Dimensions: 4 x 6
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662844645
Price : $18.99
Uncertainty invades the life of Brian, a teenager who is going through trials in a homelife that has gone downhill since his father’s death. Traumatic events cause him to change his path in life and keep you on the edge of your seat awaiting what will happen next. Through God’s use of people that love their Savior, Brian is shown what true love and kindness can achieve. Will he become stronger through adversity? Will his transition become stable and permanent, or will he transgress as life weighs heavily?
Tony Mauldin is a man with a passion for family and faith. Best known for his infectious and gregarious attitude for life; he began this book as scribblings to help him deal with the grief of losing his younger brother by an intoxicated driver. This book has been molded and shaped into what you are holding now. His candid, thorough approach for mentoring teens through a nonprofit organization called Tim’s Legacy Teen Ministry has been an encouragement for many. His desire is to be a difference maker and inspire this generation to look inside themselves to see their full potential and value through mentoring, motivation, inspiration and coaching.