The Key to Marital Success
by Dr. H. Irving Wilson
Pages: 234
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryISBN : 9781667992327
Price : $16.00
Type : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662846991
Price : $16.99
Times Christian Book Award Winner: Illumination Book Awards, Inscriptions
Christian Books Award, Ames Book Award, and Carolina Christian Writers
In recent decades, the application of biblical principles that generate marital joy and happiness has diminished. Younger generations at large have aligned their marriages more with the precepts of the world than of Christ, leaving couples unfulfilled and unhappy. Steadily, the holistic nature of the art of married love has been lost as to being the fabric of Christian marriages.
In The Pursuit of Marriage Oneness: the Key to Marital Success, Dr. Wilson unveils the key to marriage fulfillment: understanding and walking in marital Oneness. Organized into three parts, he first examines the field of knowledge on Oneness in marriage from a unique, faith-based perspective. Second, The Pursuit of Marriage Oneness offers an in-depth discourse on the synergy of the three facets of marital love from the Song of Songs, making practical applications from Scripture, clinical experience, and empirical research. And third, it discusses organizational and interactional aspects of covenant marriage with coherent and functional pathways to marital joy, happiness, and enduring success.
As a Pastoral Counselor and Marriage and Family Life Coach, Dr. Wilson spent years compiling summary records that consistently showcased the needs of his clients and the successful interventions in their marriages. He felt the need to be a part of a movement for marital reformation by introducing an ancient yet fresh and exciting Christian perspective to marriage satisfaction: Oneness, the essential meaning of marriage. This book invites couples on a journey with a clear and refreshing pathway in pursuing marital joy and happiness as One.
Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews
The Pursuit of Marriage Oneness: The Key to Marital
Success by Dr. Hobson Irving Wilson offers a wealth of advice as he pairs his
points and topics with biblical sound examples and Bible verses. His many years
of experience both as a husband and a marriage counselor shine through in this
helpful book! This is a quick read filled with some great advice for both every
day and long-term living. Great for newlyweds as well as those who have been
together for decades. I’ve read similar books, and something that stood out for
me about Wilson’s approach is his use of a wealth of Bible verses to back each
of his points and to provide biblical examples of people who lived out these
I loved seeing how The Pursuit of Marriage Oneness was
laid out, and seeing everything presented in such a straightforward and
easy-to-follow way. This book was easy to read, and the advice is given by Dr.
Hobson Irving Wilson in ways that are easy to apply, starting today and that
will last a lifetime. These are things that will help both the marriage and
qualities that will also help as a family in matters of parenting and
presenting a unified approach to leading a household, as well in other
relationships outside the home by living godly examples that lead to a more
biblical centered life. This book would make a wonderful gift or addition to
any home and shows great wisdom and insight into what makes a biblical marriage