“A Walk I Will Never Forget” is a true story about what happened on one of my many visits to the Pacific coast. This story, told in rhyme, is an amazing, unexpected, encounter I was so blessed to experience. It is a step by step account of how God expresses His never ending, unfailing and limitless love. With God all things are possible!
I was born and raised in the country, near a small town in Southeastern Arizona. As far back as I can remember I have had an awareness of Gods constant presence and His unfailing love. I grew up with a great love for nature and all of Gods creation. I have enjoyed writing poetry from a very young age. Leaving the desert behind , I moved to the Pacific Northwest where I live in the county on a small farm. I have four grown children, ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren. My love for writing poetry and short stories has continued throughout my life, often sharing poems with friends and family . The desire of my heart , is to encourage others with the message of faith, answered prayer and miracles.