Book Detail

The Imperishable Times by Joan Toussant

The Imperishable Times

by Joan Toussant

Pages: 288

Dimensions: 6.69 x 9.61

  • RELIGION - Christian Life - General
  • FICTION - Christian - General
  • FICTION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662862281

Price : $22.99

Anthony and Andrea:
The Imperishable Time takes you on a journey that allows you to see the invisible hand of God, who is the Creator and the Lord of time, using time in trials and tribulations to remold man into His image.
The author ‘s pastoral heart weaved every human emotion and experience into each page to help the reader self-reflect and consider the rhema of God leading them to a victorious life.
In addition, the author’s style fuses a wide range of disciplines combining the arts, science, psychology, and theology within the book to engage all readers.
Therefore, get ready to learn, cry, laugh, cheer, and reflect on your life and on how much God loves you within the times of your life.
Anthony Yard, M.Ed.
I cannot imagine anyone picking this book up and thinking, “Well, this novel is a short read. Let me tell you it’s not. Get comfortable and enjoy the riveting exhilarating roller-coaster ride.  You will not want to put it down or get off. Be prepared for a deep emotional and heartfelt read in every character you meet with deep insights and thoughts. I was very impressed with each page that I read.  “The Imperishable Times” is a must A read!

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