Book Detail




Pages: 170

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS - Abuse - Child Abuse
  • LAW - Civil Law
  • TRUE CRIME - Con Artists, Hoaxes & Deceptions

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662862335

Price : $15.49

How can injustice be uprighted from that horrible hot blistering day in Florida, August 2005. As a grandmother and grandfather waited outside of a divorce and custody courtroom to testify to the best of their knowledge to protect their precious granddaughter. Instead, the grandparents were SHANGHAIED into the courtroom by a deceiving Judge. As they were entering the Judge immediately cleared the courtroom. He then railed upon the grandparents, ordered the police officers to [illegally] SHACKLE them, and drag them out the back door to six months in Prison. No attorneys present, no rights, no law. In addition, the evil Judge applied a zero contact Restraining Order with the granddaughter they had helped raise. Their grandchild had trusted the grandmother with her tearful story of painful abuse. How could this happen when they had broken no laws, and were protecting their grandchild? Even worse - the Evil Judge stated that he was giving sole custody of the child to her Dad, her alleged perpetrator...
This story is about being broken...abuse...betrayal and Injustice resulting in irrevocable loss.

Author Photo

Annie Aplin, author
Born in Georgia, mother of two children, and fourteen grandchildren. I served in the political system in the USA, as well as a Missionary in several Communist/Socialist/Dictatorship countries. While serving in Cuba, Venezuela, China, Haiti, etc., my eyes were opened to the atrocities happening within my own country, and the necessity to expose it. Knowledgeably Voting in person is our duty to preserve Freedom in our nation.  Exposing evil with the truth - at all risks - is the way to clean up a corrupt government system.
Proverbs 17:15 ERV…The LORD hates these two things: 
punishing the innocent and letting the guilty go free.

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