From the time we take our first breath, our minds start creating memories. Every memory etches itself in our hearts; they make us who we are. If we can connect memories with scriptures, think how different our lives would be. My own life experiences have shown me that I want to fulfil my “Destino” (Italian for Destiny) in God. All it takes is one word, one moment or one shift of thought to change your life forever. “Make a Memory Every Day” that you will be able to look back on for a lifetime.
Every daily “Memory Devotion” starts with a scripture and ends with a “Challenge”. Memories create a unique way to initiate your own journey of reading, memorizing and journaling your thoughts about God’s Word.
Jerilyn created this book from God’s spiritual seeds that were planted in her life as a small child, and now harvested as an adult. Sharing memories from the heart in this book might seem a difficult task, but God can and will do for you, the same thing He has done for her. If talking to you personally, she would tell you it takes your trust and obedience, love, faith, courage, patience and being intentional to follow him……