28 Day Devotional
by Dr. Cecilia Denise Wilson Smith
Pages: 70
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662869914
Price : $10.99
One of my greatest Life Lessons is to start each day intentionally spending time with God praying and reading his Word. One of my greatest revelations reminds me how I start my day will consistently affect how I end my day. You can decide the course and content of your day. I encourage you to take 28 days to read this book, chapter by chapter, one day at a time. Remember to journal your thoughts at the end of each chapter. Allow This book to potentially reshape how you think about Intentional Prayer as you spend time in the presence of God. Pay attention to how your days shift from day to day.
Dr. Cecilia Denise Wilson Smith is an author, speaker, financial coach, entrepreneur, consultant, and spiritual leader. In 1994, Dr. Smith began what would become the Strong Sisters of Strength {SSOS}Ministries Inc. This ministry is a place where women strengthen women through fellowship, prayer, worship, and outreach. The mission is to glorify and honor God through ministering to the emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of women of all ages in different phases of their spiritual journey. SSOS is a safe place to come, sit at the Savior’s feet, be washed in the Word, and be encouraged to apply and walk in the fullness of God. Dr. Cecilia continues to coach and mentor women looking to impact the world one sister at a time. Her sincere prayer is for you to become who you were created to be. While, you likely do not have all the answers, Intentional Prayer and bible study will help you to stay balanced and connected to the source – The God of all Creation.