A Nation Under Divine Judgment
by Jabez Abraham
Pages: 366
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662872631
Price : $20.49
A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump - Gal. 5:9
There is a great need for the true church in every generation to examine her message regarding what she proclaims as God’s truth. The unalterable nature of truth brings with it the tremendous task of preserving it from the leaven of error, lest it becomes an utter falsehood while having a form of godliness. While truth will remain unaltered, we will believe a lie.
I came to America for work in the year 2000 by the providence of God. A land that rose to world dominance because of those who established her on their knees and reflected the truth “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” -
Psa. 33:12. As a Christian, this was the land of many spontaneous revivals that had shaped her, such as the Great Awakenings, and known for its abundance while being a beacon of truth and freedom. I saw America as a standard for Biblical Christianity that she propagated worldwide in the 21st Century.
Years went by, and I was caught up in the greatness of her religion in proclaiming Christ to the world; IN GOD WE TRUST her motto. But then, the doubts began to appear. A proclaimed truth, but is it the truth of God, or is it the product of popular religion? A popular Christ, but is He the God of the Bible? Are we One Nation Under God or A Nation Under Divine Judgment?
This is my story…
Jabez Abraham is the founder and president of Desiring Revival Ministries, a ministry to further the cause of revival and make God known to all generations and to all nations. The inception came as a call from God, burdening him in 2005 with the need for genuine revival among God’s people and the nation. Since then, God has seeded that burden with a desire for God’s people to return to Biblical Christianity, which is not just a theory or theology but something vibrant and authentic, as exhibited in the book of Acts.