A Poet's Heavenly Blessings To Today's Daily Struggles
by Cheremiah
Pages: 136
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662881749
Price : $14.49
In “Panting For The Water: A Poet’s Heavenly Blessings To Today’s Daily Struggles” Cheremiah shares her love for God through her ability to rhyme, reflect and pray.
She invites readers into her mind by sharing her dreams, her memories, and the impact of her loved ones through engaging stories and compelling poetry.
With each glimpse into her life the glory and wonder of God’s magnificence is seen, as well as the complex emotions that people feel everyday.
Cheremiah’s writings will fill her readers with hope, strength, and encouragement, as they fasten their eyes steadfastly upon the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Panting For The Water - A Poet’s Heavenly Blessings To Today’s Daily Struggles is a book brimming with poems and devotionals God has given me to share.
It shouts praise to Jesus for His salvation, and care. It contains messages of His faithfulness, and how He is always there.
Inside you will find testimonies of God’s strength, peace, and rest, how He gives us faith, hope, and trust when we’re facing life’s tests.
Jesus You are holy, faithful, and true, our Lord God Almighty there is NONE like You!