Book Detail

Ascension Poetry by Damarona

Ascension Poetry

by Damarona

Pages: 64

Dimensions: 5 x 8

  • POETRY - Subjects & Themes - Inspirational & Religious
  • POETRY - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662883927

Price : $10.99

My purpose in writing metaphorical poetry is to introduce another way of looking at the Scriptures since most of the Bible is poetry. And to bring clarity of what is the kingdom of God, within the inner men. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is the true gospel, not religion. Jesus came into the world to give to those that would believe, a new and living way of thinking of the truth and life. Therefore, I follow in the footsteps of the original intent of heaven. By introducing the meaning behind the words, it changes the perception of the Bible as a religious book. But a manual from the Creator, concerning the inner concepts, and solutions to the conflicts of the Souls’ journey.

Author Photo

Hello, my name is Damaris Ayala. I am a poet, writer, teacher, designer, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I Graduated from Grand Canyon University with a theological bachelor’s degree at the age of 68.  Also at Eagles Nest School of the Prophets, I was able to grow and establish my spiritual gift as a Prophetic Mystic. My gift of metaphorical revelation is a strong part of my purpose.

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