Book Detail

The Life & Times of Eddie Lewis by Eddie Lewis

The Life & Times of Eddie Lewis

One Man's Fight Against A Corporation

by Eddie Lewis

Pages: 82

Dimensions: 5 x 8

  • BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY - Cultural, Ethnic & Regional - General
  • LAW - Discrimination

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662892318

Price : $12.49

Eddie Lewis was a typical American worker trying to earn a living during the 1980s and 1990s. He worked hard and showed up on time, but eventually, years of hard labor and injuries started to slow him down. Despite the years of lifting equipment, walking, and moving around, this wasn’t the main cause of his retirement. In fact, the opposite was true. America was in the middle of regulating how people were treated in the workplace, particularly ensuring the hiring practices of companies and managers were ethical and non-discriminatory. Follow along with this short, yet powerful story to see how Eddie Lewis was able to stand up for others, get fired for being the wrong color, and how he fought back for his rights and the rights of others.

Dear reader, my name is Eddie Lewis. After the ordeal that I experienced, I decided to move to a more quieter environment in the South. I live on a small farm with a few head of cattle along with some goats and a few chickens. I love to hunt deer whenever the opportunity arises during the deer hunting season.
I felt that writing this book was important to let the public know of some of the unscrupulous practices of people in positions of power.

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